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Getting Started

All the examples in this workshop are based on Autobarn, a fictional website for listing used cars for sale. Autobarn is an ASP.NET web application that uses an in-memory data store, so you can download and run the Autobarn code without any external dependencies.


To complete the exercises in the workshop, you’ll need the Autobarn source code and a .NET runtime. The Autobarn repository is hosted on GitHub. Get started by cloning the Autobarn repo to your local machine:

git clone
cd autobarn
cd dotnet
dotnet build
dotnet test
dotnet run --project Autobarn.Website

Running Autobarn with an in-memory data store

By default, Autobarn runs against an in-memory data store based on CSV files. This means it doesn’t need a SQL database or any external dependencies, but any changes you make will be lost when you stop the application. (For testing & training, this is normally fine, and this app isn’t intended to run in production anyway.)

Running Autobarn with a SQL Server database

Autobarn also includes a data store based on SQL Server and Entity Framework. The SQL database is available as a Docker image, so you’ll need Docker installed to use this.

To use the SQL Server data store:

  1. Run the Autobarn Docker image:

    docker run -p 1433:1433 -d ursatile/ursatile-workshops:autobarn-mssql2019-latest

  2. Edit Autobarn.Website\appsettings.json and change the DatabaseMode:

    "DatabaseMode": "sql",
  3. Run the Autobarn.Website project

The Autobarn.Website.Tests project overrides the website configuration, so the tests will always run against the in-memory data store.